Thursday, 19 December 2013


Before the screening of the film I was sure to address all perfectly brought up issues in the edits. The film has been colour corrected, has had POV shot removed, the atmos and foley have been altered and timed better and over all I am very proud of the film I showed and am very privileged to have worked with such and excellent group.

Showing my film at AV13 went excellently (despite a technical hiccup unrelated to the production of the film.) and people were laughing which in a comedy is all I could hope for.

The next day Annie Watson sent an email to all students which said the following:

Congratulations to all of you on the fantastic screening last night. All staff were very impressed by the quality of the films, including our Head of Department, Brian Tweedale, and Head of Faculty, Roger Ecclestone, (who particularly enjoyed Alex Coates' film - well done Alex and crew!).

The film can be viewed at the following link: 

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