Sunday, 10 November 2013

Filming day 2

The 2nd day of filming started badly, as I organized the cast and crew for the days shoot, Robin the cinematographer was late on set, after several attempts to phone him he eventually responded to tell me he was still in bed. I then immediately drove from Stradbroke to Walkley to pick him and his equipment up.

Once we returned to set we were an hour behind an already busy schedule. We began by filming Hugh’s scenes with Courtney. I quickly got everyone ready and instructed the cast and crew of how the scene was to go. After the scene was shot I thanked and paid Hugh for his time and went on to the park scene with Courtney and Jess. Followed by the lone street scenes with Courtney.

During the day as well as directing actors I made sure that the cast and crew were fed and kept warm (on the coldest day of the year so far) and checked with Dan and Robin to check on the sound and visuals respectively. Over all the day was long and tiring but was much more successful that I expected.

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