Today we pitched our Idea to Annie Watson and Chris Hall. The pitch went excellently with the group scoring "High" on everything apart from Having a ready crew which was a medium due to not having an art director. after the pitch we were handed notes and asked to address the following issues.
1. Get an art director in the room next week and have them talk about the look.
2.Talk more about the motivations of your main character
3.Clarify Georgia- age, look, visual references.
4.What is the overall feel of the film?
5. what are the age of the boys?
6. use more visual references
7.use music examples during pitch.
8.Describe in detail the "paper round-off"
9.Who is the main character?
10. How does georgia save Nathan's job?
I will make sure to address these issues for the next presentation.
Below are the slides from the presentation itself.
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