Thursday, 24 October 2013

Tykes 2000 Child actor auditions

Today I drove myself, Dan Walsh and Alice Hathaway to Barnsley to go to a Tykes 2000 child acting agency to sit in on a session of 7.15pm – 8-15pm. Tykes 2000 were extremely helpful and cooperative and even set up exercises related to the film (starting a new job and asking a girl out.)

Dan, Alice and I all agreed there were 2 kids were would be excellent for the role, Courtney and Alan.
Courtney was the better actor but may be too small, though that could work to our advantage due to how small the character is, if we were to use courtney he would only be available Friday and the weekend. 

Alan is taller but I feel not as strong of an actor. he would be available all week but he does not yet have his licence and would need to get it but courtney does have his.    

Below are pictures of our 2 potential child actors:

 Courtney Rezvani
Alan Jedrzejczkyz

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